Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

CRIBS B-Side Edition

This is how we record audio snippets for the website. Boring and not as tech intensive as a studio installation of pro tools... but it gets the job done.

I've been kinda lagging as the unofficial official self-appointed b-side historian. Sorry kiddies.

One thing that's kinda cool about being a part of B-Side is that people randomly let me into their houses! No really!

About a month ago, me and my AZC crewmates DJ Wh0 and DJ Roza, duped local dj favorite

Jayvi Velasco into showing us his crib.

(mixer collection. so necessary.)

(we can't help but go through his collection)

we ooh'd and ahh'd over his extensive collection while talking about the usual dj nerdery like the versatility of vinyl as dinnerware, serato v.s. gerbils in hand to hand combat, and how to get rid of pesky girl scouts and their cookies.

later on i asked Jayvi some questions via myspace and here they are:

name: Jayvi Velasco

how long have you been djing: Since 1991

djs who influenced you: see bio

what do you spin: see bio

best experience djing: Philippines & Hawaii

general shout outs/whats ups/rants about the GNP of kuala lumpur.... no comment

contact info for gigs:,

i was actually hoping for his point of view on the introduction of non-native lemurs and it's affect on the banana farming of Kuala Lumpur... but i guess he is saving that discussion for the next time we hang out.

(jayvi is such a super host)

(he had to usher DJ Roza out for being too hyphy)

if you would like to be considered for B-Side CRIBS edition hollerate (peenoybee@ g mail dot com)

Thursday, November 02, 2006


im left wondering if people actually read this. probably not since its only been mentioned in the bside emailer once. infact i dont even know if mike knows about it. but the emailer goes to like a few hundred people so at least two people should know about it.

so to the two people who read this... thank you. and let me know if im doing a good, okay, so so , or outright shitty job of bside blogging.

ive been listening to alot of dilla produced music lately. unfortunately alot of dilla's musical contributions went unnoticed until he passed. there were people who knew... but i know that a couple times ive pulled something out of my record shelf and been like "ugh dilla did that?"

the most recent one was probably erykah badu- cleva.

speaking of badu and dilla... "Didn't Cha Know" just came on in the itunes. killer. savage. the drums are really fucking with me. dilla has that type of production where you go back to certain songs and different parts of the production stick out...

you probably noticed the picture of "The Shining" and "The Shining Instrumentals"

well yeah, this is a b side blog so im going to talk about b side related stuff. usually.

but in anycase... the shining is a solid ass release. if i remember correctly this was supposed to come out before donuts and then bbe finally released it after dillas passing. the instrumentals... so necessary. because unfortunately busta just isnt working on "Geek Down"... i'd almost go so far as to call busta a liability on the track.. so greatfully there is the instrumental version of the album to provide you with un tethered enjoyment of dilla's production.

and without the vocals, the production on this album really stands on it's own... almost transforming each track into a different song.

you need this in your life.

i think i say that too much

well im a say it again... you neeeeeeeeeeeeed this in your life

and each extra "e" in "need" represents one extra level of urgency in your needing this album... both normal and instrumental versions.